Contact Circle of Hope
Location & Phone | Hours | Email Directory | E-Newsletter Sign-up | Social media
Location and Phone
1329 Highland Avenue, Suite 3, Needham, MA 02492
Circle of Hope is located in Needham Center across from St. Joseph’s Church. From Highland Ave., you will see our purple and white “Donation Center” sign at the head of our driveway, which is immediately to the right of Eaton Funeral Home. Follow the driveway to our parking lot; Circle of Hope is located in the right half of the building.
(781) 449-3700
Donation Hours
Mondays* - Thursdays: 10am - 12pm
Saturdays (Sept-June): 10am - 12pm
Email Directory
Jody Barnet
Director of Operations
Leslie Levenson
Grant Writer
Carolyn Conley-Das
Communications Manager
Christine Ruddy
Community Engagement Manager
Connect With Us
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To stay up to date on all of Circle of Hope's events, donation requests, and more, sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter. Fill out the form below to be added to our email list.