Introducing our new Grant Writer

We are thrilled to introduce Circle of Hope's new Grant Writer, Leslie Levenson!

In addition to extensive grant writing success, Leslie brings twenty years of experience in nonprofit management to our team. In 2009, she founded the north shore organization Community Giving Tree. Her career has included leadership on numerous nonprofit boards, nonprofit consulting, and volunteer program development. Leslie enjoys traveling the world with her family and relaxing in Maine. 

Leslie is taking the grant writing baton from Christine Ruddy, who is transitioning fully into her role as Circle of Hope's Community Engagement Specialist. Leslie will build on Circle of Hope's grant success, helping us continue to grow as an organization and deepen our support for families and individuals experiencing homelessness in Boston and MetroWest.

Welcome to the team, Leslie!

Executive Search Update

The search for Circle of Hope's new Executive Director is underway. Executive search consultants from Third Sector New England (TSNE) have begun reviewing applications and speaking with qualified candidates. Circle of Hope's full search committee, which includes members of the Board of Directors and staff, will begin interviewing candidates next month. TSNE will continue accepting applications on a rolling basis throughout the hiring process, so please share the job opening with anyone who may be interested in this exciting position!